35 events found.
Although little remembered today, Robert Boatright was one of the greatest con men of the early 20th century. With the assistance of a confederacy of crooks known as the Buckfoot Gang, he preyed upon the Midwest gentry and fixed athletic contests in the turn-of-the-century Ozarks.
Before he was known as "Wild Bill,” famed frontiersman and gunfighter James Butler Hickok spent three formative years as a young man in the Kansas City area – a period of his life little known to the public. Years later he would return as a national media star and living legend.
The fix was in on many levels throughout the Kansas City government during the Pendergast era. Join Terence O'Malley as he profiles several notorious cases evidencing that democratic processes were nothing more than a mere inconvenience to many of those in power during the 1920s and 1930s.
Join storyteller Jim Wallen for stories of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Learn how life changed with the opening of the West to settlement and how fur trappers, pioneers, and Native Americans all were affected by the journey.
The fix was in on many levels throughout the Kansas City government during the Pendergast era. Join Terence O’Malley as he profiles several notorious cases evidencing that democratic processes were nothing more than a mere inconvenience to many of those in power during the 1920s and 1930s.
Join storyteller Jim Wallen for stories of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Learn how life changed with the opening of the West to settlement and how fur trappers, pioneers, and Native Americans all were affected by the journey.